Waxworm By Sam Droege - https://www.flickr.com/photos/54563451@N08/19051745004/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41690212

In the quest to solve the plastic pollution crisis, organizations of all types are working on solutions. The Good Times has highlighted a few on these pages in the past, such as the Ocean Cleanup removing plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative to remove microplastics from water, bacteria that have […]

Crows are very intelligent birds, or so most ornithologists tend to believe. They use tools and can solve problems, and some, including the common raven (Corvus corax), can learn to talk better than certain parrots. One small Dutch company, called Crowded Cities, is using crows’ intelligence for the public good. The company has created an apparatus, the Crowbar, to train the birds […]

Pete Seeger died this week. That’s obviously not good news although, at the age of 94, seems natural enough. So who was Pete Seeger? According to The New York Times obituary, he was a “singer, folk-song collector and songwriter who spearheaded an American folk revival and spent a long career championing folk music as both […]